profile photo of the freelancer

Stefan Dierdorf

Hi, I’m a freelance
Product Designer
UX Designer
Interaction Designer
UX Strategist
Design Consultant
Curious Tinkerer
based in Berlin.

Selected work

A quick overview of the work that I've been doing for numerous clients. Most of it is confidential, though. If you want to learn more, please reach out to me.


Past & Present

With over a decade of experience spanning across Asia, Europe, and North America, I've dedicated myself to crafting seamless experiences for vehicles, mobile, web, and interconnected devices.

As a trained interaction designer (M.Sc.) with a background in computer science (B.Sc.), my journey has seen me collaborate with diverse, cross-functional teams and engage with stakeholders at various levels – from designers, developers, and marketing professionals to strategists and upper management. This ability to effortlessly converse in the language of different collaborators underscores my adaptability and ensures effective communication in any setting.

My professional voyage reflects a commitment to user-centered design while balancing the intricacies of business interests. It's not just UX, it's about product design. This distinction is crucial to me as it reflects my passion for engaging in a truly holistic process, actively contributing to product goals and roadmap development.

Present & Beyond

Driven by a passion for sustainability, my professional trajectory is aligned with projects that contribute to making the world a better place – or, at the very least, preventing it from becoming an even more challenging environment. My interest extends to the realm of holistic mobility, where I envision smart integration of diverse transportation modes, transcending the conventional 1:1 relationship between people and cars.

Looking beyond the present, I am particularly drawn to initiatives that leverage design and technology to address pressing global challenges. Exploring the intersections of emerging technologies and human behavior, I aim to contribute to solutions that enhance not only the user experience but also the societal and environmental impact of digital products.

In the ever-evolving landscape of design and technology, I aspire to be at the forefront of innovation, constantly pushing boundaries and redefining what's possible. By fostering a commitment to ethical and inclusive design practices, I aim to create products that resonate with users on a profound level while contributing positively to the world we inherit and inhabit.