OZG implementation

The OZG ('Onlinezugangsgesetz' translating roughly to online access act) finally digitalises German public beauractic services for 83 million citizens.

  • Client: Zoll Deutschland
  • Role: UX, prototyping, consulting
  • Year: 2021 - 2022
  • Status: concluded
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Consult the German Customs (Zoll) with digitising their paper forms (as part of OZG) in an effort to digitise the German administrative bureaucracy. Understand, rethink, and completely redo complex, complicated, and outdated paper forms. Implement these forms as interactive prototypes in Axure to illustrate the added digital value.

We are no digital natives. But we really want to learn.

What We've Done

  • Consulted stakeholders in user centricity and digital added value
  • Prototyped digitised forms
  • Consulted development in new forms implementation

Creative Process

  • Stakeholder brief
  • In-depth understanding and comprehension of obsolete paper forms
  • Rethink with a user-centric focus
  • Implement prototypes in Axure
  • Presentation of concepts and prototypes in front of stakeholders


Complex forms that were sometimes decades old had been created with a very bureaucratic mindset. I had the opportunity to rethink them in a modern, friendly, and accessible way.


Helping implement the German OZG made my work potentially impact the lives of many citizens who are struggling with excessive bureaucracy in Germany. It truly gave my work sense.

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